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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chief Rabe-it. The background story of how this bunny got it's super powers and saved the bunny tribe.

This was going nowhere. The surviving elders choreographed a tribal dance that would cure the rabbit population of the rabies pandemic. More than half of us were already dead and the dance was a waste of time. I’d rather spend my last days doing something worthwhile. Suddenly, the elders began shouting and pointing upward. My mouth foamed with shock (or maybe it was the rabies). A blue comet had fallen from the sky and landed close to the designated ritual grounds. The elder who had replaced the long dead chief roared at us, we were not to go anywhere near the comet and were to continue this useless dance. I paid no attention to the ignorance of the chief and hopped off. The comet created a ditch in the ground and emitted a blue aura. Drawn in by my curiosity, I touched the comet. The comet’s blue glow had disappeared and I saw that I was now the one glowing. By this time the chief and the rest of the rabbits had caught up to me. The chief was foaming in the mouth in anger. He hopped over to me and struck me with his paw. To his surprise, the foam from his mouth was gone. In a few weeks I was appointed chief of the rabbit tribe. I’d say it was well deserved, the savior of the tribe, the cure for rabies, Chief Rabe-it. It has quite the ring to it. There was only one other thing I could have asked for out of this whole ordeal. Foam came out of my mouth as I sighed.

This is a mindmap done in Sketching and Communications class. We had to give our bunny a name, a super power and lastly a costume.

This is a quick Little Red Riding Hood mindmap. I found my mindset going towards a horror filled gore theme.

Monday, January 24, 2011

We were given about 5 minutes each to paint objects that were put in front of us. I'm no artist so I was relieved to later learn that it wasn't what we painted that mattered but the textures, the colors, and the brush elements that we can get out of the watercolor pad and paints.

Bunny with overalls
This was a drawing done in 5 minutes in my Sketching for Communications class. I ended up drawing a kindergarten- cartoon like drawing of a farmer bunny in overalls and a pitchfork.
The scan didn't turn out so well so I decided to try Photoshop and traced over it with my tablet. It looks like it was done in paint! I think it looks better without me tracing over it. I'll try again and get better at this.

Since this bunny got so many hit's I'll trace him out in Illustrator in a higher quality version for everyone on Google images to see.  He's right there. ->